I'm back
Since I published the last post, I had fallen accidentally into building a shared library in Singapore and completely abandoned this project. I didn't have the mental capacity and time to do anything else - I was all in with the library and completely obsessed. We ended up building the library in a matter of three months and now it's almost a year later. I'm happy to say that I'm back!
A lot has changed over the last year. I started 2024 thinking I would take a year-long break to work on and publish a photo-book, and also to digest the last ten years of my life, and to recalibrate, readjust, rethink... everything. I thought maybe I would end the year a better photographer. But to be honest I was completely bored and tired and uninspired by that point. That's why I went to Japan on the pretext of making a photo-book, so I could put a necessary hard-stop to all my commercial/advertising work.
But this ended up creating space in my life for... a library! It was exactly what I needed. A GIFT. And this unexpected adventure, this most tiring but exciting process, has recharged my brain and soul and maybe even rewired them, without me having to consciously recalibrate, readjust, rethink. I see my creative path quite differently now. It's a wider road, extending beyond photography, and perhaps it's always been, but I've never been more convicted about what I'm on earth to do: To experiment audaciously, bring ideas to life, galvanise communities, and of course to make mistakes. It's all part of my soul development, for better or worse.
I'm back working on my photo-book with renewed passion. The book has a shape now. I couldn't say that a year ago! I'm working on it and want to show you guys something soon.
Apart from that, my current dream is to build a small independent publishing company and bring to life books that celebrate human thought, art, creativity and ingenuity. A publishing house that believes in wonder as resistance, tenderness and curiosity as strength. That refuses to yield to the cynicism of a world increasingly enmeshed in tribalistic thinking, AI-aided hallucinations, our basest human instincts, and chronic hopelessness.
This newsletter will document this new path as it opens up... and who knows what else. Thank you for reading and for being here!